Monday, March 28, 2016

Cooking with Grease

Hello again!!

I'm cooking with grease now!! ...that's a saying right? Anyways, things are slowly starting to go my way😜

My course is over in 2 weeks (FINALLY!!), so I'll actually have some time to work on all my projects. Not to mention I finally sat down and figured out my new inkle loom, so I've almost got my first woven creation finished!!! It's very basic and kind of woky in some places, but for a first try it's not too shabby!!! Pretty excited about that one. I'm also getting a bit more of a following on Instagram, which is totally awesome, thanks to my doodles of the day.

I'm super excited to get going on my loom again tonight and to post some pics!! Not to mention getting some wild and wacky wool and make some loud creations.

Also, since I went out to my parents this past weekend, I raided my old/my mom's fabric hoard and found some goodies in there. Should probably cut out that 1812 dress pattern and actually get that going too... Yay hand sewing... I have a short attention span😜 In case you couldn't tell😜

Anyways, my journey continues in an uphill trajectory and I'm really starting to enjoy myself😊

OH!!! Almost forgot!! I also just submitted my first writing for a magazine short fiction contest. Super nervous, but also really excited😊

Things keep on looking up!!

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