Monday, August 8, 2016

Looking Beyond the Cookies...

Looking beyond the cookies... Hmm... And no, I haven't gone crazy, despite what recent events might suggest!! This was just some food for thought (HA! pun!!) that I got from what you all know is my favourite podcast: Raise Your Hand Say Yes, Episode 76.

Basically, if you don't do podcasts, they were talking about the fact that you could make the best Chocolate Chip Cookies in the world, but if your kitchen is falling apart, who really cares about the cookies, right? So look beyond the cookies...

Still trying to figure out what this means for me... I'm thinking that it's kind of how I portray myself and my product (see last rant for this), but I really don't know... To be honest, I wasn't going to write anything on here at all today because my Chakra Class started (EEEEEE!!!!!), but then that one line just really stuck out to me... Look beyond the cookies...

I guess it could be my branding too, after all, I didn't really look at developing a SUPER strong brand before I started out. Basically just, "How can I make you happy today?" That and I know next to nothing about Marketing, or even how to make a brand (other than my research that I've done).

Hmm... This is more of a contemplative post I guess, rather than having a strong and pounding message behind it. What I'm getting is that I need to look back and be a customer, would I want to buy something like what I'm producing? And if not, how can I make it better?

The more I work at my craft, the better I get, so I guess it's time to stand back and think about things a little bit... Which I'm mentally prepared to do after last weekend!! Monday hasn't been so bad today after all!! ...except that now I really want cookies...

Ciao for now!! Don't forget to stand back a bit to see the whole picture!!! ...and eat lots of cookies!!!!

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