Thursday, June 30, 2016

Taking Life by the Horns!

Have you ever experienced a soul crushing boredom? Like you feel like your life is on hold for one reason or another, and all you do is the exact same thing every day?

Yeah... This is completely me right now. Don't get me wrong, I love my life, and creativity is definitely an outlet for me, but I can't help but notice that all of my sketches lately have been about wandering off and having an adventure.

As a kid I was an avid reader of JRR Tolkien. I mean AVID!! I read The Hobbit and The LOTR so many times I lost count (it's WELL over 10). When I was a kid I didn't see why I enjoyed them, as I could have adventures every day. I could go out my door and disappear (I grew up on a LARGE farm). I had, relatively speaking, no responsibilities.

Now, as an adult, I look back on those books and seem to be waiting for my hoard of dwarves to come banging at my door, or for one of my crazy Uncle's to give me a ring that would require a llooonnnggg journey far away from here... Just waiting... Waiting... Like a caged bird... Waiting...

Well you know what?! I'M TIRED OF WAITING!!!! WAITING IS FOR THE WEAK AND I'M DONE!!! So you know what?!? This is a public statement to the internet!!! I'M NOT WAITING ANYMORE!!! I'm getting a business license for my little adventure at the farmers market!! I'm looking into winter Farmer's Markets!!! AND!!! I'M MAKING AN ETSY SHOP!!! That's right!!! AND I'M MAKING A WEBSITE!!! Not just mooching off google anymore, but my own legit website!!

I started listening (because I can't read a book at work I listen to them) to "The Big Leap" by Gay Hendricks, and he talks about the upper limit (look into it, it's a thing!). Well I've been upper-limiting the crap out of myself and I'm DONE!!! And not only in my business life, but in my personal life too!!

I'm KonMari-ing the hell out of my house this weekend (even though I'm already insanely busy) and getting all my crap from my in-laws house and I'm putting it in my room at home and organizing it and probably donating most of it, because man, do I have a LOT of crap!! And I'm GOING TO BE AN ADVENTURE GUIDE!!!!! If I can't do it in the mountains, then BY GOD I'm going to do it in Manitoba, the province where dreams go to die (mine do anyways).

My hubby is an outdoorsman (he's been there, done that, done pretty much everything I'm now interested in), BUT he hurt his shoulder and can't do much right now. Like much at all. And he's worried that I'll get hurt if I go out to the Canadian Shield and go on a DAY HIKE!! WELL YOU KNOW WHAT!!!! I WANT THIS!!! So I'll even start smaller!! I'll walk down the freaking boring-ass trails at Birds Hill Park!! Can't get much safer than that!! It's pretty much freaking paved!!!!

So I'll start with that!! Then when I prove that I won't trip over my own feet and fall to my untimely death (but what a way to go right?!?), I'll move up to something else equally boring and safe, and I'll keep on going until I've proven myself to the rest of the freaking world, I'm going to go on the whole crap-in-the-bush overnighter because that's what I want!! And I do what I want when I want. GRR!!!

...sorry about that... But really, what I was getting at was basically life is short! Do what you want! If you can't jump in head first right off the high-dive, then maybe try wading in. This burns me to the very core, because it's not my way, but you know what, if it's what you truly want, why not give it a try. Why not do the dinky ass little trails and work your way up to the awesome, climb a mountain in the middle of no-where is that actually a trail or just a part in the trees trail!!

Whatever it is, get uncomfortable!! Get to it!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Now What...

I have officially made the cutest lil Canada Day hand bag (totally for sale) and even figured out how to get a cute lil white flower on it. Couldn't try and sell it yesterday (Farmer's Market was cancelled), but it's still adorable!!
Anyways, that's beside the point! Today I'm going to do what I feel all bloggers do at some point. I'm going to blog about blogging!! But I'm not giving tips, or clues, or anything like that. First of all, because there are already WAAAYYY too many of those out there, and second, because I've only been blogging for like 4 months I don't reeeaaalllyyy have any tips and tricks.

No, I'm going to blog about content. I've always found it interesting how other people do it. A lot of people pre-write and schedule to have them sent out. If it works for some, AWESOME!! I'm not trying to criticize, I'm just experimenting.

I tried the whole "schedule send out," but it just felt kind of un-authentic to me. I wanted this blog to cronicle my descent into madness--I mean creative journey. So, that means writing it in the here and now. I also found that I didn't get as many hits and reads (I know I shouldn't but I follow these religiously and THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!). Call it superstition, but it just doesn't feel right if it's not me personally hitting that big scary publish button, and it reflected in the numbers.

I've also tried the "schedule set days to write a blog post." HA! I lasted, what, 2 posts on that? I think I'm too much of a flybytheseatofyourpantser (it's a word if I say so:P) to have anything that strict lined up. There's a passive aggressive part of me that just wants to rebel against any possible deadlines or goals I set for myself. I don't even like making appointments for things like doctors and stuff. UGH!!

Then there's the ONLY WRITE ABOUT ONE SUBJECT OR NO ONE WILL READ!!! I capitalize this because this is what I seem to hear the loudest. "If you don't blog about one thing and one thing only, your blog will fail and no one will read it!!" To that, my Renaissance Soul/Multipotential both laughs and has a mild panic attack!!

While yes, I agree that your blog should have some sort of general outline, what the hell is wrong with branching?! This is my creative journey sure, but in the meantime I've conquered some totally different and off track stuff, and you amazing people still read it!!

Again, if any of these is your approach to blogging and it's working for you, kudos!! Leave a link in the comments, I'd love to read them!! This is just me coming to the decision (and letting everyone else know), that I have decided to start my own style of blogging! 

It's called the "I just did or thought of something really cool to write about so I'm gonna hop to it" approach, or IJDOTOSRCTWASIGHTI if your're into acronyms:P

I have planned out a few things out to write about, but they're mostly tangents I started going off on in previous blogs that I haven't come back around to yet. As for new ideas, I just kinda get them on the fly.

Take this post for example, originally I was going to write about what I'm weaving right now and what awesome thing I'm going to turn it into, but then I thought of something better to say.

I guess what I'm saying is that yes, there are a lot of "Rules" out there for blogging, or anything really, but beautiful things can happen when you throw that rule book in the recycle bin (let's be Earth conscience here people:P) and take life by the horns!!

TTFN, Ta Ta for Now!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Big Plan

Whoops!!! Missed another couple days!! Oh well, I guess this is a new rotation for me then:P But what shall my content of today be? Well, you just buckle up and sit tight, this might get interesting:P
As you may have now realized, I've recently done a HUGE closet cleanout with my Style School (now over:'(). At almost the exact same time I began my closet cleanse, I was listening to my favourite podcast, Raise Your Hand Say Yes, and the wise and wonderful Tiffany Han recommended (as she had before) reading "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo.
I had looked into this book before, even taken it out from the library, but it just never held my interest... Then a free trial book was mentioned and I figured "Why not?!?"
Man!! The things I have learned!! I'm not just cleaning my closet anymore, but working on my whole house!! I'm still in the first step of clothes, but to be fair, I'm also helping my hubby go through his clothes too.

Anyways!! I've decided to go nutts on my room for now (I don't actually sleep there, just keep all my sewing/crafty/stuff-I-like in there). I have so far ditched 3 LARGE rubbermade containers (took them to The Salvation Army this afternoon), and I still have a craptonne of stuff at my hubby's parents house. 

The one thing I'm NOT going to be getting rid of are my precious books. Marie Kondo suggests doing this after you go through your clothes, and if you have unread books to recycle.or donate them. BLASPHEMY!!!!!!! Now, books like textbooks for classes I didn't really like, sure, why not? But to get rid of my actual books?!?! I'd rather cut off my own hand!!! I love to a probably unhealthy level, and now that they're all prettily set up on my shelves I love them even more!!! Just looking at them makes me smile!!

Not to mention the many, MANY books I still have at my inlaws and possibly my parents... I think it will be almost as big of a journey of self discovery as cleaning out my old clothes bind from years ago. 

Did you know I was actually anorexic and I didn't even realize it until years later. I was going through all my old jeans (and there was a LOT), when I realized I could only pull most of them up to my knees. Now, I'm a lil overweight right now, but that still shouldn't be. 

This led me to ask my hubby and mom about it. They both confirmed that I was, in fact, skeletal, and sickly underweight. The sickest thing? I remember thinking at the time that I still needed to lose more weight. UGH!! 

But I digress! I will for sure be writing a post about my in depth closet revelations, but right now is more of an overview.

Anyway's, I've pretty much figured out the whole Konmari Folding methods, and my drawers have NEVER been so organized!!

I don't know if I've mentioned this yet, but I have my whole room sketched out on how I want it!! With a few minor changes (darn actual measurements:P), I've already begun the process!! MWAHAHA!!

I'll leave you with a couple pics of my before closet(s), and my before and after pic from Style School! More pics on my wonder room to come!! YAY!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Whoops!! Missed a day!!

Oops!!! I already missed a day! To be fair though, I was insanely busy. First Farmer's Market can be marked as a success. Monetary-wise? Nope!! I lost $20 plus gas by going there, but experience? PRICELESS!! ...and hot... Apparently I need SPF 2000 and will be going to my local drug store to find some... UGH!!

As I may have already mentioned, I am of a STRONG Scottish heritage with VERY fair skin. When I was a kid I used to tan wonderfully, but then puberty hit and hhheeeellllloooo sun burns and freckles. Freckles aren't so bad, but the sun burn... OUCH!!! Totally feeling that today!!

But enough about that!! I've had a busy crafty weekend!! Last we spoke it was Friday, and I was FREAKING OUT about Sunday. Well, now I've come through to the other side and I'm still alive!!

The weekend started with Saturday... Turning down a trip to the lake with my hubby and my dogs (:'() to tie up all the loose ends for the next day. And, because I was heading that way anyways, I thought I'd drop by Plato's Closet (and there's a reason I'm naming them specifically) and try to sell off some jeans since it's a consignment store.

So off I went with my tub of jeans, piece of artwork to drop (remember craftivism drop was today), and my list of last minute stuff to do. My first stop was Plato's. First off, even though it's a consignment store, it feels like a regular store in the mall where you're being judged on EVERYTHING. So I dropped off my bin, and they said that they would let me know when they were done, but it would be about half an hour. Sounds good. Mmmmaaayyybbbeee 15 minutes later I saw they were done with my jeans. Turns out they "only accept skinny jeans"... Because that's the ONLY type of jeans that women wear. I took the $2.80, because apparently one pair of shorts I had were short and skanky enough, and my jeans and I walked next door to the Salvation Army Thrift Store. When I dumped that bin of jeans into the bin I was actually THANKED, and given a coupon. And more importantly treated like a human.

So, unless you aspire to be like Mean Girls, DO NOT SHOP AT PLATO'S CLOSET!!! You will regret it.

Anyways thought, when I'm super pissed I tend to do crazy things. So after that I went to the mall, bought a bikini, and dropped my painting in a La Vie En Rose change room. Something I would probably not had the guts to do beforehand. YAY for being angry!!! Then  I grabbed the rest of the stuff I needed for the next day (won't bore you with the details), and went home.

The day of the Farmers Market dawned wet and possibly stormy. It had been cancelled the week before due to the weather (it was intense), but this week the weather held!!

So, like I mentioned before, I didn't really sell anything (my Mom bought a couple of sketches that she really liked), but I met a lot of the other vendours and had some good conversations with people about my product and what I was doing. People seemed excited, but I didn't really have all that much selection, so no takers. 

But that was ok, because I sat on my loom all day, and now I have the start of a small purse/bag for Canada Day. 

Anyways, I'm sticking with the whole "You only fail if you don't try" saying and I'll be right back at 'er next weekend. WITH some sort of shade, and a lot more sunscreen:P

C'ioa for now!!! I'll post again tomorrow to make up for yesterday:P

Friday, June 17, 2016

And the Race is ON!!


It's now crunch time and things are getting hectic and stressful!! And because I'm me, I just keep adding onto my already heaping plate:P It's like at the restaurant Mongo's, you load up your bowl until you're pretty much spilling oil all over the floor and have a small food pyramid waiting to be cooked. Such is my life!! But what the heck have I done now? Well! Let me tell you!

So, as all of you now know, I am in a program called Style School. This is it's last week, so you think I'd be relieved right? WRONG!! Our last project for the program is called Craftivism! I've linked in a complete description, so I won't bore you with all the details. Basically, we have to make an uplifting craft (ie. a painting with the message "You are worth it!") and at the same time we will all leave our own craft in our own home town in fitting rooms, etc. AHH!!! I just did a To Do list that NEEDS to be done before this Saturday, and even that is daunting!! Plus I want to finish up on cleaning up my house.

So!! The race is on!! The drop for my inspiring craft is either Saturday or Sunday (unsure yet which), and Sunday is a VERY hard deadline!! Thankfully, I pretty much just have to tie together some loose ends for Sunday (however loose they may be), and I'm still very much undecided about what kind of craft I would like to do. A painting obviously, but the canvases I bought eons ago are for acrylic painting and I've mostly been doing watercolour lately... Hmm... You know what! I think I'm going to stick with my gut and just go acrylic!! I may be less experienced with it but who really cares right?! It's the thought that counts on something like this. The perfectionist in me may disagree, but she needs to realize that there just aren't enough hours in the day!

Anyways, I'll be VERY busy for a while now, but my next post will be coming out on Saturday (insert ominous music here), so hopefully you'll only have to deal with one more post about all this insanity:P

Have a good one!!!

I even added to this list... Ugh...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Technology... Always recalculating, always rethinking... Not that I can complain. I mean, without it I wouldn't be able to blog, or check my phone compulsively every 5 minutes while my computer is once again recalculating...

Full circle here right? ...maybe... Lost my train of thought there...

Oh wait!! Got it back!! Basically where I was going with that was that I use technology at work daily. I come in, I log on, and I'm givin' 'er for the day. 8-4 for the most part.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job! I'm very happy here! But I'm just the type to wonder... What else is there? Yes, the grass may not always be greener on the other side, but what if sometimes it is? There's got to be more out there than getting up, going to work, coming home, and going to bed right?

WELL! That's what I'm trying to find out! As a multipotentialite/renaissance soul, that whole concept gives me heart palpations. Just the thought of doing the same thing day in day out until I die is enough to send me screaming in the other direction. Which is why I'm starting this looming/sewing/art business-type-thingy I've got going on here. I want to see if there is more out there. If there is life beyond a job. If I can work from home, sleep late, and work later without having to leave the comfort of my own back yard. Nothing beats a try right?

When I think about this on a grand scale, my previous little worries about posters and signage and all that other menial crap really doesn't matter. On a whole, I'm trying something new! I'm trying to see if there's life out there, and I'm jjjuuusssttt starting to get my feet wet. And DAMN!!! That water is cold!! I have a feeling that it'll get colder before it gets any warmer!

But, because I am the way I am, before I've even begun letting that water warm up just a titch, I've got my eyes wide open exploring new opportunities! That's right, this summer of markets hasn't even started yet and I'm already looking past it to see where the winds might take me. I kind of feel like Pocahontas... Oh darn, now I'm singing too!

Anyways, ciao for now!!!

Courtesy of Google Images

Monday, June 13, 2016

Follow the Signs!!!

Follow the signs!! Read the signs!! ...make the signs...

Thus we have my dilemma of the week(s). I need to make some signs. Not super fancy signs, but just some signs. What do I need these for? My Farmer's Market!!

Holy Moly!! I started to plan out all of the small details this past week and never realized that I would need signs for:
-The Business (Me:P)
-Cash Only

Then I need a cash float for change, a table (DONE!!), lawn chairs (DONE!!), table cloth (Dollarama), and the list goes on... And it's REALLY starting to keep me up...

Well... It was... As with many of my posts I started on one day and am finishing on another. I started this one on a stressy Friday, and am ending it on an exhausted Monday... Zzz...

I didn't actuallt have to play slow pitch this weekend (Saturday I was a spare so they let me take off because it was my 5 year wedding anniversary, and Sunday we were rained out), so I actually got a lot accomplished! ...or it feels like I did... Only time will tell... 

I have effectively not only moved ALL my clothes from the inlaws to our house, but I have sorted through them and now have 2 LARGE bins to donate to the Salvation Army, with 1 more small pile of shirts to go through! I'm so excited!! 

Plus, most of my old tshirts that I couldn't bear to part with, O'm going to turn into a "Tshirt Quilt" by cutting out all the logos (mostly band shirts and my cheeky old ones), sewing them together, and adding a backing. SUPER excited for that!! You know, in all the spare time I have:P

On top of wading through my closet, I also managed to finish up all the write-ups for the MAHTA newsletter, and, since we have such an amazing Office Assistant, was able to just pass off the word document for her to make all pretty and format and junk. I do enjoy doing all that, but at the moment I have neither the time nor the resources to get into that cat fight! So, I typed and articled my lil heart out and VOILA!! We have content!!

I then, right before bed, started to work out a price chart for my products for the summer... It's a LOT harder then you would think!! My Inner Critic was not being very nice. Kept telling me that people won't pay for my crap... But you know what? I think that if I tough it out enough, I think people will like what I have to say!! ...maybe... We'll see!!

Anyways, I've been telling people left, right, and center about the Farmer's Market, and a lot of them are family, so hopefully I get a few pity buys at the most:)

I haven't really done much in the way of production of content this weekend, but this week will for sure be crunch time! EEP!! 

I've also come to a decision on how often I'm going to he doing these blog posts! Even if it's just a short post with a couple pics, you can expect something from me every two days!! I've decided that if I can't make time for something I love every other day, then what kind of life am I living right?!? 

Ciao for now!!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What was I doing?

Question of my life... What was I doing? Where was I? In case you haven't noticed already, I'm a semi absentminded person. The old saying "You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached totally applies to me:P

But what does this have to do with my creative journey? Well, as I mentioned in my last post, Farmer's Market time is getting REALLY close... Like super close... So I'm kinda going into overdrive trying make up some content, and figure out exactly what I'm going to do.

I would really like to make some business cards, but 1. they're expensive and 2. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have about a million business cards in my wallet that I haven't even looked at. That's just my current wallet. An interesting tip I picked up from Tara Swiger's podcast (see previous post) was to have a notebook and take other people's email addresses or phone numbers. This was a very interesting concept to me, and, not going to lie, completely blew my mind!! Then I've effectively placed myself in the drivers seat, and I won't be refreshing my phone all day to see if anyone wanted to email me back! Super exciting idea! Another was not to stare awkwardly at people when they are checking out your wares. This may seem like a no brainer, but nothing annoys me more than people either staring at me when I'm trying to look at something, or trying to hard to sell me something. Urgh...

Anyways, that's not all I'm starting to peg down. I also need some kind of signage... This one is keeping me up nights. I don't really have the funds for a professionally made poster, but I also don't want it to look cheap and tacky... Maybe I'll grab some of my papercraft supplies from my inlaws this weekend (if I have time... Ugh...) and make it up. I'm thinking a posterboard is all that I need, and then just decorate it with my name and products and such... I dunno... I'll figure something out:)

The thing that, without a doubt, is stressing me out the most is the fact that I have to provide a table! Isn't that silly!! That and having a cash float! Also silly! I have loads of change kicking around home, I guess it's the bigger bills I'm stressing about... I'll have to ask my mom! She's done loads of silent auctions and this sort of thing. And the table!! Pretty sure I know some people with a portable table that I could borrow for the summer. Or even part of the summer. Hmm...

Leaving the totally stressed out line of thinking, things are shaping up!! Still an introvert living in an extrovert's world!!

And I'm going to do something that I've NEVER done before on this blog... I'm NOT going to add a picture:P Mainly because I haven't taken any new ones since yesterday of my Farmer's Market content:)

Have a good one!!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday with Minions

Hello again world!!

It is another Monday, but I am slightly more peppy today then normal!! First, the wonders of sleeping, and second, I am in an interpretive minion outfit today!!!

So why am I dressed as a semi-minion on a crazy Monday? It's my... STYLE SCHOOL CHALLENGE OF THE DAY!!!! The song that we had to inspire our wardrobe after today is the song "Happy", which is a main song in Despicable Me 2, so naturally... MINIONS!!!

Anyways, that was my morning excitement... Now, what have I been up to? I really am sorry if these posts have been a lil dry for the past week, I'm still trying to adapt to my new sleeping pills:P They are wonderful, but they make me a lil bit drowsy during the day too...

But again, the question of this blog is, what creative endeavours have I been into lately!! Well, as has been the norm over the past few weeks I've been playing around with the creativity of style, which is super duper fun, as well as weaving my heart and soul out.

It has recently hit me that I will be attending a farmers market for the first time in the very near future (like 2 weeks), and I REALLY need to get cracking on my content!! But I've also been super excited to be wearing my woven goods lately as well. A real favourite has been my gold scarf, which I've been wearing pretty frequently as a head scarf.

A real fear of mine was that, yes, I can weave to my heart's content, but what if no one likes it, or worse, what if I don't like it?!? I was SERIOUSLY concerned when all I had to go by were several loops of woven fabric that didn't really look like anything, and at that point, never would. But I went to Dollarama, found a darning needle (a REALLY big needle), and started finishing up some of the products that I'd already finished the main work on.

The result? LOVE IT!! I'm currently hand sewing (my sewing machine is still ill) two pieces together that I purposely wove to be the exact same to make a wider scarf. The hand sewing is slow going, but otherwise it's looking great!! I've also taken stock of my colours and have come to realize that I do, in fact, have more wool than originally thought, and before I go and buy more I should really use all of what I have up. Shouldn't take too long!!

I've also been putzing with a Facebook Page. As of right now it's less than half done (just has a few words on it really), but I think this will really help things too!!

I also went out to my parents farm for the weekend (hence my absence), and went to a couple small town places where I might be able to canvas to hang up some of my artwork. So, now all I need to do is to compose a letter to send out to all of these places (email or snail mail), and a sample piece of art. You never know right? Raise your hand say yes:P

I've really been having fun with the whole slowing down while drawing thing. I guess my biggest worry was, since I'm primarily a writer, that I would lose my momentum/whim and wouldn't be able to get back into it. This happens with writing (as you may have noticed on this blog with a SLIGHT overlap of content), but I'm finding for my sketching I'm not really having any of those problems. I can leave it for sometimes days, and then come back to it without the world ending. I've heard several terms now for the imposter complex (jiblets, vampire voices), but it's super fun to prove them wrong in this instance.

I think I'm finally coming out of my depressed, sleep-deprived slump. This is so exciting for me!! I just need to start painting again (and find my easel) and I'm one happy camper :)

Have a Happy Monday all!!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

A Brave New World

Good morning!!!

Has anyone read this book? It's terrible, don't do it. I had to read it in high school and I don't even think that I finished it. It's the expression I love. Trying something new? It's a brave new world!!!

This has kind of been my motto throughout all throughout the last 6 months. It's a brave new world!! Countless times I have stepped out of my comfort zone and, mostly, been rewarded. I took another HUGE step yesterday, by actually wearing what I'm making. That's right, I wore my yellow scarf I made as a head wrap. It looked awesome!! I was terrified to leave the house, but it looked awesome!!

Which is leading me to want to work even harder (and get more wool) because yeah, this is something that people would actually want to wear, and they're versatile!! LOVE IT!!

My big thing is that I keep running out of my product... Aka yarn!! It's kind of mind blowing how much yarn this thing eats up!! A normal size ball will only last for 1 product for a not very wide scarf/headband/whatever my heart can think of.

I've also been pretty busy on the sketching front!! The only thing that I really took away from the critique I went to was to slow down. So, I'm taking my time now and adding in (at least I think I am) a little more small details. It's HARD!!! I rush through everything naturally, so slowing down is almost physically painful for me!! But I have done it, and as a result, my pics are looking better then ever! It's pretty exciting!

Other than that I'm pretty much just continuing to rock out in style school. There's something super fulfilling about dressing to your personality. I mean, to an extent I've always kinda done it, but not really, and DEFINITELY not at work!

Until next time (I promise to have a more food for thoughtish post:P)