Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Big Plan

Whoops!!! Missed another couple days!! Oh well, I guess this is a new rotation for me then:P But what shall my content of today be? Well, you just buckle up and sit tight, this might get interesting:P
As you may have now realized, I've recently done a HUGE closet cleanout with my Style School (now over:'(). At almost the exact same time I began my closet cleanse, I was listening to my favourite podcast, Raise Your Hand Say Yes, and the wise and wonderful Tiffany Han recommended (as she had before) reading "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo.
I had looked into this book before, even taken it out from the library, but it just never held my interest... Then a free trial book was mentioned and I figured "Why not?!?"
Man!! The things I have learned!! I'm not just cleaning my closet anymore, but working on my whole house!! I'm still in the first step of clothes, but to be fair, I'm also helping my hubby go through his clothes too.

Anyways!! I've decided to go nutts on my room for now (I don't actually sleep there, just keep all my sewing/crafty/stuff-I-like in there). I have so far ditched 3 LARGE rubbermade containers (took them to The Salvation Army this afternoon), and I still have a craptonne of stuff at my hubby's parents house. 

The one thing I'm NOT going to be getting rid of are my precious books. Marie Kondo suggests doing this after you go through your clothes, and if you have unread books to recycle.or donate them. BLASPHEMY!!!!!!! Now, books like textbooks for classes I didn't really like, sure, why not? But to get rid of my actual books?!?! I'd rather cut off my own hand!!! I love to a probably unhealthy level, and now that they're all prettily set up on my shelves I love them even more!!! Just looking at them makes me smile!!

Not to mention the many, MANY books I still have at my inlaws and possibly my parents... I think it will be almost as big of a journey of self discovery as cleaning out my old clothes bind from years ago. 

Did you know I was actually anorexic and I didn't even realize it until years later. I was going through all my old jeans (and there was a LOT), when I realized I could only pull most of them up to my knees. Now, I'm a lil overweight right now, but that still shouldn't be. 

This led me to ask my hubby and mom about it. They both confirmed that I was, in fact, skeletal, and sickly underweight. The sickest thing? I remember thinking at the time that I still needed to lose more weight. UGH!! 

But I digress! I will for sure be writing a post about my in depth closet revelations, but right now is more of an overview.

Anyway's, I've pretty much figured out the whole Konmari Folding methods, and my drawers have NEVER been so organized!!

I don't know if I've mentioned this yet, but I have my whole room sketched out on how I want it!! With a few minor changes (darn actual measurements:P), I've already begun the process!! MWAHAHA!!

I'll leave you with a couple pics of my before closet(s), and my before and after pic from Style School! More pics on my wonder room to come!! YAY!!!!

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